Christopher Buettner

Christoph Buettner

Principal Investigator
Professor of Medicine and Chancellor Scholar
Chief, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism & Nutrition
Vice-Chair for Basic Research
Department of Medicine
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Office: CAB, Room # 7204

Administrative Assistant
Antoinette Unger
Office: MEB, Room # 0386

Short Biography

Christoph Buettner, MD, Ph.D. is a Professor of Medicine and a Vice-Chair for Research in the Department of Medicine and the Chief of the Division of  Endocrinology at RWJMS. He obtained his MD and Ph.D. from the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich Germany in 1998, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School from 1997 to 1999, a residency in Internal Medicine at NYU (1999 to 2002) and a clinical fellowship in Endocrinology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine (2002 to 2004) where he stayed on as a junior faculty. He established his own laboratory at Mount Sinai in 2006 where he was most recently a Professor of Medicine. In 2020 he joined Rutgers. His basic research interests include the understanding of how hormones and nutrients are sensed by the hypothalamus and how the brain controls systemic metabolism, insulin action and inflammation. Further, how brain control of metabolism is impaired in obesity, diabetes, alcoholism, Alzheimer’s and stress, conditions characterized by insulin resistance and impaired glucose and energy homeostasis with the goal to identify interventions to restore insulin action and glucose hemostasis. He has over 80 publications including those in high-impact journals such as Nature Medicine, JCI, Science Translational Medicine and Cell Metabolism.  His clinical interests are diabetes, obesity and general endocrinology. Dr. Buettner was elected to the American Society of Clinical Investigation, has been awarded a Junior Faculty and a Career Development Award from the American Diabetes Association, Dr. Harold and Golden Lamport Research Award, the Hirschl Award from the Hirschl Trust, Mount Sinai Endocrinologist of the Year, and received a KO8 development Award from NIDDK among other honors. Dr. Buettner has reviewed grants for the NIH and several private and international foundations and has chaired the grant review for the American Diabetes Association. He has organized international meetings on metabolism and diabetes such as the Keystone meeting on organ crosstalk and has chaired symposia from the ADA and the Endocrine Society.

Curriculum Vitae

Postgraduate Training
Academic Appointments
Hospital Appointment